Season Two: Episode 09
Free By Choice Inmates
Share Their Stories

Today, Shelley replays an interview from the Free By Choice program, which brought inmates from Alabama prisons on the air to speak openly about their crimes and the decisions which led to them. These Free By Choice inmates had a strong desire to share their stories so their suffering could serve to help others avoid making the same mistakes.

Prisoners Have A Message To Our Youth
ONDCP leads and coordinates the nation’s drug policy so that it improves the health and lives of the American people. ONDCP is responsible for the development and implementation of the National Drug Control Strategy and Budget. ONDCP coordinates across 19 federal agencies and oversees a $41 billion budget as part of a whole-of-government approach to addressing addiction and the overdose epidemic. ONDCP also provides hundreds of millions of dollars to help communities stay healthy and safe through the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program and the Drug-Free Communities Program.
It's estimated that up to 65% of the U.S. prison population has an active substance use disorder. When these inmates are released, studies have shown that many will return to using and be arrested again within a few years. Stephanie Sy recently visited a jail in Kentucky that’s trying to not only break that cycle but also save lives. It’s part of our ongoing series, Searching for Justice.
When Chika Okoro read the casting call for one of her favorite films, she noticed that actresses with darker skin were assigned lesser roles —prompting her to address a phenomenon she'd experienced all her life: colorism. In this eye-opening talk, Okoro shares coping strategies along with steps that could help eliminate this insidious and destructive mindset of discrimination.
This year millions of school children around the world will benefit from D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), the highly acclaimed program that gives kids the skills they need to avoid involvement in drugs, gangs, and violence.
D.A.R.E. was founded in 1983 and has proven so successful that it has been implemented in thousands of schools throughout the United States and many other countries.
D.A.R.E. is a police officer-led series of classroom lessons that teaches children from kindergarten through 12th grade how to resist peer pressure and live productive drug and violence-free lives.
Not sure how to prevent drug or alcohol use? Or what to do if you suspect or have discovered substance use? We have the science- and research-backed information to help you help your child.
Teen Substance Use
The teen and young adult years are confusing, complicated and formative. Understanding what's happening socially and developmentally — and how it can intersect with substance use — is fundamental to setting the stage for healthier outcomes.